The GEM Assessment for Boards
Explore the full tool completely free!
The GEM Assessment for Boards is a powerful online tool that gives a board a snapshot of how well it is exercising the seven disciplines of governance excellence. Discover what everyone around your board table is thinking about your board’s effectiveness using this secure web-based platform. With only 40 questions in the survey, it takes an average of 15 minutes for board members to fill in. The debriefing exercise that follows will produce action steps, and many helpful tips for improvement are included in the full report. Boards that wish to be healthier will utilize this tool annually and track their progress with the Comparison Report.

for one full board assessment report
(free 1-page report)
“Our board members found the GEM Assessment to be a practical, bite-sized and manageable means of evaluating the board. They were able to mine the resulting report and agree on actionable ways to improve board effectiveness. It was good value compared to other board development activities that are more costly, time consuming and don’t yield tangible results.”
—Executive Director, Community Health Centre
“What a great tool, it provided a high quality report that prompted good discussion around the board table. Done annually it would provide an opportunity to track progress. Great value for the price!"
—H. Sherrard, Board Secretary, Canadian Health Food Association